כניסת גז אינרטי עם רוטמטר וברז מחט ידני MRC
עם שעון לחץ
ומד ספיקת גז
Flowmeter which has interchangeable scales to suit the following gases
Gas air,Flow 1-10 l/min
Gas nitrogen N2,Flow 1-10 l/min
Gas argon,Flow Ar 1-8 l/min
Gas 95%N2 / 5% ,Gas H2 1.2-11 l/min
Gas Ar 98% / 2% ,Flow H2 1-9 l/min
Gas carbon dioxide CO2 ,Flow 1-8.5 l/min
Gas helium,Flow He 2-20 l/min
Oxygen can only be used if it is part of a pre-mixed gas supply
and no more than 20%, e.g. approx. value contained in air